My First Blog Post

First blog post for this website.

Paloma Cartwright

This is the first blog post ever added to my website. It does not say very much because it is just a tester to demonstrate how distill websites work and how you create blog posts. As the quarter goes on, I will be adding more informational blog posts to my website. If you made it this deep, I hope you are enjoying my website. I am very new to making websites in RStudio using Distill, so please be patient with me as I work the kinks out over the next few months.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Cartwright (2021, Aug. 10). Paloma Cartwright (she/her): My First Blog Post. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Cartwright, Paloma},
  title = {Paloma Cartwright (she/her): My First Blog Post},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}