First blog post for this website.
This is the first blog post ever added to my website. It does not say very much because it is just a tester to demonstrate how distill websites work and how you create blog posts. As the quarter goes on, I will be adding more informational blog posts to my website. If you made it this deep, I hope you are enjoying my website. I am very new to making websites in RStudio using Distill, so please be patient with me as I work the kinks out over the next few months.
For attribution, please cite this work as
Cartwright (2021, Aug. 10). Paloma Cartwright (she/her): My First Blog Post. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{cartwright2021my, author = {Cartwright, Paloma}, title = {Paloma Cartwright (she/her): My First Blog Post}, url = {}, year = {2021} }